Cleansing or Surgery

What People are Saying:

Last October I experienced the pain of passing a kidney stone. At the conclusion of the ordeal, the doctor stated the problem would probably recur. I received no other advice.

With the memory of the ordeal fresh in mind, I began a search of the internet for more information on the condition, and a way of preventing the problem that I was assured would return. I found your website and the recipe: “Kidney/Gallbladder Cleanse.”

Thank you. I had five days off work; purchased the necessary ingredients and embarked on what has been the best and cheapest course of health therapy I have encountered.

S.L., United Kingdom



Kidney Cleanse

One of the most common medical problems today is kidney malfunction or kidney stones. Common symptoms of kidney malfunction include painful or frequent urination, chronic lower back pain and fatigue, chills and fever as with a cold or flu, and general accumulation of excess fluid.

Common symptoms of kidney stones are a dull pain in the lower back and groin, increasing to a sharp severe pain as the stones enter the urethra canal. Nausea and vomiting may accompany the pain.

The Kidney Cleanse softens kidney stones and allows stones as big as the end of your thumb to pass without pain. And it takes just three days.

Try Kidney/Gallbladder Cleanse

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